Monday, November 29, 2010
Los Gigantes de Guadalajara
Walk for a Life Without Violence
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Mi Casa, Numero Dos
Bad News: Well, duh, I'd have to box up our stuff and move in the morning while TJ was at work.
Good News: Despite thinking we would be moving into a housing community that was further away from both the Consulate and local shopping (a problem, as our car has not arrived yet), we actually ended up moving into a unit that is not only centrally located, but also in the same community as our eventual, permanent home.
Better News: Unlike the apartment, both the new temporary home and the permanent home have small yards in which the puppies can frolick.
Worse News: The very day of the move, the free Internet at Starbucks stopped working on my computer. This posting has been sitting in limbo for over a week. Today, in what can only be called a Thanksgiving miracle, the Internet started working again.
This new community is a brisk 15-20 minute walk from our original apartment, which means it is fairly close to the places I mentioned in my previous blog. In fact, I find that our shopping habits have changed very little with the recent move.
Whereas the previous unit was an apartment, this one is a town home. It appears comparable to the apartment in both furnishings and living space, minus one or two key differences. The new unit offers an ice machine and an additional water filter (score!), and, as townhouses tend to do, features a random bathroom by the front door.
In my last post I made a point of mentioning that I had gotten over my irrational fears regarding the apartment. What I failed to mention was that, during our trip to Tequila, I had discussed these fears with one of TJ's coworkers that also happens to live in the same apartment building. Although she denied having that “someone's lurking in the closet” vibe, she did seem to feel a “presence” there. I've never been one for the supernatural, but I certainly wasn't one to judge, what with my checking all of the closets at night.
Whatever was giving me the heebie-jeebies passed just in time for us to move into our new temporary home. This new community is gated. There is an electric fence along the perimeter. I'm not sure if that plays any part in how I feel, or if it's simply the fact that, as of yet, I have not walked in on another stranger from the Consulate checking on my security system. All I know is that, whether justified or not, I feel safer here (despite murder-faucet in the closet), and am glad to have gotten out of the apartment before my mind started to convince me that it was haunted.
But you know what? I can't say that I'm the biggest fan of the mysterious blur over the stove that showed up in every picture I took of our new kitchen.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
How IS Guadalajara?
I have had the pleasure of speaking to my parents and several friends in the US over the course of the past week. Everyone asks the same question: “How IS Guadalajara?”
It sounds innocent enough, but in reality, they are asking three separate questions:
Do you like Guadalajara?
Is it dangerous in Guadalajara?
Do you regret moving to Guadalajara?
Well, let me tell you about Guadalajara.
When we arrived last Monday, we noticed that our apartment, though mostly furnished, lacked a trash can and a laundry basket. What were we to do? Why, go to Wal-Mart Super Center, of course. At that point, I decided to play a game with myself and keep track of how many businesses I could find that would be familiar to a US citizen traveling to Mexico.
I had to stop on Sunday, when the list reached 75. Seventy-five! In less than a week! We were standing in what is probably the nicest mall I have ever seen in my life. There were plenty of non-US options, to be sure, but in my short time in Mexico I had already realized that I would never be in short supply of familiar places to shop, especially at the mall. In fact, it would probably be easier to count the ones that are NOT here (Hello, Target, where are you???). So I decided to stop counting at 75. And then I turned a corner and found five more.
Our apartment is one block away from Pastelería Jeffrey, which offers delicious desserts and horribly unreliable wi-fi. Across the street from Jeffrey you will find Oxxo. Oxxo is a convenience store in which can be found pretty much the same stuff that you would find in a similar store in the states, minus the price inflation for the convenience of it all.
One block down and two blocks to the left of Oxxo, there is a Starbucks, which has proven quite useful as we wait for our own Internet service to be set up (which will not occur until our permanent dwelling is available). During the holiday season, focus here is not on Peppermint, Eggnog, and Gingerbread flavored beverages, but rather on Cherry Mochas, Nuevo Caramel Chocolates, and Toffee Nut Lattes (Aaron tried, Aaron approved).
One block down and two blocks to the right of Oxxo, there is a Blockbuster. Whereas brick and mortar video stores in the US face imminent demise thanks to the rise of the digital age, here in Mexico business is booming. Rentals are $3.36 USD ($0.80 USD on Thursdays!). US movies dominate the shelves, and many will play on both US- and Mexico-coded DVD/Blu-Ray players. There are many films and television series that originated in the states that are offered here in different (and more exciting) packaging...and some that aren't offered in the states in any form.
As for the 3rd question, do I regret this move?
I have a habit of reading other Foreign Service blogs. These blogs often discuss a move to a new location, and sometimes have a “making the best of it” feel to them. I began to worry about this as our departure date drew closer and closer. Would we enjoy Mexico, or simply make the best of it?
Maybe I'm jumping the gun, only being one week into this adventure, but I think I have a decent impression of things.
Foreign Service life requires the willingness to leave your homeland for years at a time. This journey to Mexico has required us to do this very thing...yet we are close enough to home that we can get there quickly if necessary.
Foreign Service life requires the willingness to acclimate to surroundings that may not live up to your current quality of life expectations. Here in Mexico, we've had to pay heed to the water situation. We have to bleach our vegetables and only drink from a designated tap in our kitchen. Minor adjustments that have already become habit but will prepare us for more drastic life changes as TJ's career continues to take us to foreign lands.
Bleaching fruits and veggies for the week.
Foreign Service life requires the willingness to live in countries with varying exchange rates. Sometimes it works in your favor, sometimes it doesn't. I'd say this time around, it turned out pretty favorably.
Foreign Service life requires the willingness to be separated from your personal effects (and mail) for an extended period of time (stuff travels less quickly than people). Since we are in Mexico, the time of separation will, hopefully, be shorter.
Foreign Service life requires the willingness to live in countries that do not offer the same dining options that you are accustomed to. Given Mexico's proximity to the United States, this has not been an issue. At all. In fact, my biggest fear, not being able to find Dr. Pepper, proved to be in vain. Hooray!
Foreign Service life requires the willingness to act diplomatically at all times. Well, I think I'm pretty damned pleasant, ok? Alright? Good.
I've always been the type that has seen the grass as being greener on the other side. I don't mean to, but I often have a negative reaction to the present, only to realize how great it was in hindsight. Last night, as we stood in the kitchen preparing dinner together, I confessed something to TJ: “I love our life here.”
How IS Guadalajara? Pretty amazing, actually.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
We had barely been in Mexico for three days and already TJ was off in observance of a holiday (US Veterans Day).
To commemorate the event, we embarked on a road trip to the small town of Tequila with two cars full of TJ's new co-workers and their family and friends.
There are a number of ways to spend a day in Tequila. One is by boarding the popular Tequila Express. Another is by visiting the Sauza Distillery. Both are fine options that we will likely explore at a future date, but they were not on the agenda this time around.
Located approximately one hour from Guadalajara, Tequila is a small, picturesque town surrounded by mountains. For all of the modern architecture that can be found in Guadalajara, Tequila is what I envision when I think about the Mexico of old.
Highlights of the tour included:
A walk around the grounds of the beautiful Cuervo mansion...
And, of course, a little bit of sampling in both the distillery and in "La Cava," where photos were not permitted. The cave is where the Cuervo family's private label, Reserva de la Familia, is stored and aged. We were allowed to sample some of the reserve, as well as some 120 proof tequila not sold in stores...but only a little. Tequila doesn't grow on trees, you know. It grows on Agave plants.