Tuesday, May 24, 2011
I Need a Vacation...
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Mexico City, Day 1: Música + Alma + Sexo
"Tu Recuerdo"
"El Amor de Mi Vida"/"Fuego Contra Fuego"/"Te Extraño, Te Olvido, Te Amo"
"I Am"/"I Don't Care"
"Lola, Lola"
"La Bomba"
"The Cup of Life"
"Lo Mejor de Mi Vida Eres Tú"
...and despite the fact that the majority of the show was in Spanish, my enjoyment was undeterred. I've been listening to these songs nonstop for weeks. The melodies and music are captivating, regardless of language comprehension.
And I'm sure all of the half-naked men didn't hurt the situation.
Sure, coming all the way to Mexico City to see Ricky Martin was a little bit crazy. But from what I've seen of the city so far, this is going to be a great vacation, whatever the impetus. And it's not like there isn't a precedent: We planned a 2006 summer vacation to New York City around a Madonna concert at Madison Square Garden.
And...while we're speaking of Madonna and New York...I've just learned that Ricky Martin is set to star in an "Evita" revival on Broadway sometime in 2012...
Saturday, May 14, 2011
The Things We Do For (Artificial Celebrity) Love

Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Blast from the Past
- An autographed promotional photo of Parthenon, a contestant from Season 2 of Scy-fy's Who Wants to be a Superhero? In his civilian identity, Parthenon is a good friend of mine back home in Orlando. We were introduced by mutual friends shortly before the show started in the summer of 2007. His name is Dan. He throws killer Halloween parties, makes his own costumes (regular clothes, too), and has 1,000 different creative ideas per day. People have asked me where my blog's logo came from. It was Dan. He loved that I was starting a blog and offered to help spruce it up. He encourages me to write. Maybe one day I will. Well, really write, I mean.
- The flyer and small sample bottle of Jean-Paul Gaultier's Fleur du Male that we picked up during a March 2007 trip to Madrid to visit our friend Bruno. It smelled so flower-y that we dubbed it "Eau du Douche" and subsequently tortured each other with attack-sprays of it for the duration of our trip. I had thought the bottle empty, and yet...yes! Just enough left for one more spray! Happy to confirm that it was still douchey. Having lost all photographical evidence of this trip during a horrific battle with our old iMac just prior to the move to Mexico, finding this memento (along with museum guides and club flyers) was worth more than gold.
- A ticket to the March 23, 2003 production of Cirque du Soleil Presents: Alegria in Houston. This was a birthday gift from my friend, Evan. We are still friends today, though prior to his visit to DC last year, we had not seen each other in seven years. I'll be seeing him again in July when I head to San Diego for Comic Con (what, don't you know by now that I'm a nerd?).
- Letters my previously mentioned then-friend Lauri wrote to me during my study abroad trip to Europe in the summer of 2001. Only two letters reached me during that month-long, five country tour. Both were penned by Lauri and were accompanied by humorous drawings and random European coinage (this was pre-Euro) that didn't exactly belong to the country I was visiting during the letters' time of arrival. She was and oddball, but it suited her.